Other Stories

Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.

Pendant #587 – Strength and Love

On the evening of December 8th, 2022, fourteen years after my husband passed, I spent the evening helping Lesley promote her Traveling Pendants at the Dayton Arcade. I felt blessed to be able to...

Pendant #454 – God’s Forever Strength

I received my pendant from a dear friend, Beth Gully. Beth introduced me to God in 1998 and I am forever grateful for her. I am currently going through a career transition and the pendant is a...

Pendant #571 – Move Past the Past

I’m a veteran with severe, complex PTSD due to several sexual assaults I endured while serving in the Army. I am ready to heal, and move past the past. Suzanne

Pendant #454 – I am Worth It!

Self doubt is such a paralyzing emotion. When I remember the strength I have through Christ, my mindset, my countenance, and my heart shift. And I believe this is what my pendant reminds me...to...

Pendant #431 – Reminds Me of My Strength

I am a veteran who has suffered with addiction and PTSD for a very long time. I was truly at the end and ready to give up. I am currently finishing a 6 month program that has opened doors of hope...

Pendant #019 – Reminder to Be My Best

In 2021 I was diagnosed with diabetes. It’s rocked my world but I’ve come out of this storm the healthiest I’ve been in my life. My pendant is a reminder to keep going, take action, and to be the...

Pendant #485 – Strength for the Journey

I purchased this pendant for 3 reasons. 1. It’s a beautiful piece of jewelry. 2. I wanted to support Lesley with her business. 3. I love the faith based “Strength for the Journey” slogan. I wear...

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