Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.
Pendant #238 – Rasing My Glass
I was recently diagnosed with MFH - soft tissue cancer. I was just having a small cyst removed in my arm but two surgeries later and after many tests I am starting Day 1 of a 25 day cycle of...
Pendant #780 – Strength During Uncertain Times
I was given this traveling pendant from my neighbor, Beth. Her husband passed away in November of 2020. I was diagnosed with lung cancer in August of 2020. I have never smoked. I had ovarian...
Pendant #797 – Drawing Strength for Others
I received my pendant from a very strong woman who I have known for over 25 years and I am lucky to be married into her family. I am touched by this gesture and will wear this pendant while I...
Pendant #702 – Dealing with Loss
I received my pendant from dear, dear friends.......Terri Klaiber & David Klaiber and Hannah Stelling. They gifted it to me a few months after my husband passed away. It has been a very...
Pendant #275 – Hope
On June 26th, we learned that David has a rare form of cancer. Ewing's Sarcoma. Ewings sarcoma only affects around 200 people in the US each year, approximately 20 of them are adults. David had a...
Pendant #741 – Connected by a Pendant
I received my pendant as a Christmas gift from my sister. Since we have been young, she has always been my counsel, my rock, and my protector. I don't know what I would do without her. I love...
Pendant #744 – Writing My Story
I was given this by my uncle who is really close to my heart but I’m young and I don’t exactly have a story yet. Elle
Pendant #802 – Puppy Loss
I received the lovely gift of this necklace from a dear friend and phenomenal woman! Thank you, Shawna. Two years ago our sweet baby puppy, Brutus, was diagnosed with a rare tumor. He was only...
Pendant #103 – Beauty in the Mess
After six years as a "boy mom" to my two little guys, I was excited to welcome a baby girl to our family. Life was grand. Three healthy kids, a decade long marriage, and so many blessings. But...
Pendant #103 – Connection Across the Ocean
Connection is the cornerstone of this company, and the story of pendant 103 is a story of connection. This was the very first pendant that I ever made...and to be honest, I never intended to...
Pendant #763 – Second Chance at Love
My husband, Shaun, and I each went through hard divorces and we both thought we’d never find love again. Thanks to Christian Mingle, we have been happily married for over four years. Shaun is...
Pendant #902 – 11.11
My story….. When it came up on my husband’s 11th year of passing I started to see 11:11 on the clock. No matter if it was in the morning or at night it seemed I noticed it. It started happening...
Draw from the pendant’s strength
and infuse it with your own.