In April 2018 after suffering through 6 plus months of pure hell, I discovered my husband and the man I had thought to be my soul mate was cheating on me after almost 19 years of marriage. He filed for divorce soon after and despite my willingness to forgive and do whatever it took to repair our relationship and keep our family of 6 intact, there was no movement from the other side. I was lucky though. I had started counseling for myself in the fall of 2015 and through my counseling learned that I was married to a high functioning alcoholic and was thus somewhat able to prepare myself for the roller coaster ride that I was about to embark on. Through God’s grace, I have found the strength to continue my life in the best manner I can and to lean on my faith to help me get through each day and help my children through this most horrific time. I have met numerous people on this journey whom I feel God dropped in my life at just the right time. The woman who gave me my pendant is one of those people. She is a mom, a recovered alcoholic, and in the brief time I have known her, I have felt her strength, her faith, and know that she is yet another person who is there for me. My journey is not over, but when it is and I am on the other side, I will pass my pendant on as wearing it does give me strength and hope for the future.
The stress from the legal proceedings was overwhelming and his bullying, intimidation, and threats just about broke me. But they didn’t. Wearing this pendant helped me find an inner strength I didn’t know I had and now I am outside of the divorce, own my home, have found true love, have amazing relationships with each of my four kids, and know that I am much stronger than I ever thought possible.