Other Stories

Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.

Pendant #546 – A Friend in Need

I purchased this to have available when I found someone to give it to. In less than a week God revealed a friend that needed it. So grateful for this opportunity to share the strength of the...

Pendant #521 – Strength Through Divorce

It's becoming harder to spend the Christmas holiday season without my daughter. Sharing a child with another person is very challenging and doesn't feel like it ever gets easier. Cierra

Pendant #490 – I Will Get There

My story starts out like a lot of other peoples. I was healthy until I wasn’t. I had been experiencing digestive issues since my senior year of high school, but it was always explained away by...

Pendant #956 – Challenging Loss

I suddenly lost my dad in 2021. It had been the most emotionally challenging thing I've been through so far. My sister-in-law gave this pendant to me for Christmas this year, 2022. Such a...

Pendant #432 – Strength in Hard Times

I lost my grandpa (I called him Papa) in January of 2018. I am an only child and am super close with my family. I was always over at my grandparents house making bread and listening to him to me...

Pendant #994 – Love My Pendant

I absolutely loved meeting you ladies at the Dayton Arcade and hearing your stories. I shared with you my story of my daughter's accident and passing and we had a good cry together. (Well, mostly...

Pendant #811 – Going Through a Storm

I had never heard of Traveling Pendants until a kind friend gave me one. She saw I was going through a storm while trying to help kids in the area. My storm lasted around a year, and I would...

Pendant #810 – Difficult Journey

My story is minor compared to so many others, yet it was still a difficult journey as I learned to share my life, my home, my family with an unexpected guest for 9 months. My world was turned...

Pendant #521 – Family Bonds

Today we had our annual family Christmas party. It was a night filled with dinner, crafts, games, and family. The night was very special and very eye opening. We are all getting older and growing...

Pendant #521 – New Journey

Today, I received this pendant from my mother for Christmas. I don't really have a specific story, but I am excited to begin this journey of journaling, sharing, and connecting with others. Cierra

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