
Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.

Pendant #1,358 – Encouraging Women

I was touched to receive a Traveling Pendant from Jeanne Porter the founder and Executive Director of Women in Christian Leadership. My heart was touched by her generosity and my eyes filled with...

Pendant #925 – Pay Hope Forward

When my heart was hurting God brought me to an amazing organization called Women in Christian Leadership. It was there that I saw Christ's love being poured out as these ladies care for and...

Pendant #1,325 – Life After Loss

I lost my husband, Bruce, on December 27, 2023…the kindest, loving man I will ever know. I was given the traveling pendant on his Celebration of Life by Tami Whalen on January 13th. It has given...

Pendant #1,426 – Comfort

I received my beautiful silver "Strength for the Journey" pendant from my best friend Joan. She has been by my side for so many illnesses throughout my life. Most recently my breast cancer,...

Pendant #1,554 – Courage

I was given this as a gift. I hope it provides me with strength and courage as I face many new changes in 2024. I am a senior in high school this year who will be off to college soon. I am...

Pendant #1,360 – God by My Side

God has always been by my side, from the beginning, even when I didn’t know he was there. My strong tower through all life has blown my way. I may bend from side to side, but I will never break...

Pendant #1,387 – Heavy Heart, But Blessed

2023 was a particularly difficult year. I lost my sister, my bonus pops, a cousin and my 14 year old dog her name was Peanut. My heart is heavy but in the flip side I am so blessed. I have an...

Pendant #403 – God Shining

I loved this pendant. I bought the one with the star, as a reminder of God is always shining on us. God is healing me for the loss of my parents who died one year ago at the same time. I decided...

Pendant #808 – Family Found Strength

“Call me Gonzo,” he said. That’s my dad in a nutshell. He was a zany, bright, and unique man. Losing him suddenly was difficult for us all but my family found strength in each other by keeping...

Pendant #1,008 – Keep Going

When I was 5 months pregnant with my 2nd baby I unexpectedly found out I had triple negative breast cancer that had spread to my liver, lungs, bones and brain. I unfortunately had to terminate...

Pendant #880 – Continuing to Fight

Lydia is my 14-year-old niece. I gave her this pendant as she continues to hike through the mountainous, treacherous journey of Ewings Sarcoma bone cancer. She started this journey in 10/22. It...

Pendant #880 – Hope

I was given the pendant from a close client when I was having a really rough patch when nothing seemed to be going right! I was feeling very overwhelmed and helpless. I wear the pendant with hope...

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