Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.
Pendant #884 – He Gives Me Strength
I bought this to replace my original necklace. I chose the pendant with the “cross” because it is a tangible reminder that with Jesus, He gives me the strength to get through anything! K....
Pendant #485 – Strength for the Journey
I purchased this pendant for 3 reasons. 1. It’s a beautiful piece of jewelry. 2. I wanted to support Lesley with her business. 3. I love the faith based “Strength for the Journey” slogan. I wear...
Pendant #789 – A Daughter’s Love
Story from the Daughter who gave her Stepdad a Traveling Pendant. I few years ago I bought two necklaces, one for me and one for a friend. My Dad loved my necklace and often commented on it....
Pendant #512 – Healing After Loss
My cat of seven years was hit by a car this week. It was really difficult because he had moved with me to five different apartments into my first home. I adopted him at the start of my graduate...
Pendant #723 – New Life After Near Death
My story dwells deep inside Traveling Pendent # 723. It’s a story of tragedy, pain, wisdom, triumph, and redemption. I write this after almost 2 years of recovery from a routine surgery that...
Pendant #721 – Life after Loss
A family member gave me this pendant in November of 2020, a few weeks after I had a miscarriage. We had two healthy children, and never imagined we'd lose a baby. I went in for my first...
Pendant #806 – Fighting Through Breast Cancer
I was gifted this pendant by my lovely therapist, Kim, to encourage me while I went through breast cancer treatment. E. Anderson
Draw from the pendant’s strength
and infuse it with your own.