Other Stories

Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.

Pendant #13 – Protection for Travels

My mom gave this to me when I first started driving and going further away away from the family for work. I would spend my summers away from them in Indiana helping my grandparents on the family...

Pendant #1,008 – Keep Going

When I was 5 months pregnant with my 2nd baby I unexpectedly found out I had triple negative breast cancer that had spread to my liver, lungs, bones and brain. I unfortunately had to terminate...

Pendant #880 – Continuing to Fight

Lydia is my 14-year-old niece. I gave her this pendant as she continues to hike through the mountainous, treacherous journey of Ewings Sarcoma bone cancer. She started this journey in 10/22. It...

Pendant #880 – Hope

I was given the pendant from a close client when I was having a really rough patch when nothing seemed to be going right! I was feeling very overwhelmed and helpless. I wear the pendant with hope...

Pendant #1,482

My husband had a hemorrhagic stroke March 22, 2023. He is paralyzed on his right side & has aphasia. He is in rehab @ Moody Rehabilitation Institute in Galveston, Texas. He is making small...

Pendant #1,752 – Life as One

Suddenly he was gone, and life changed. No more my love, my husband, the grandfather/Papou, the father/dad. He led a long and happy life but now, free from earthly cares, resides in heaven with...

Pendant #521 – Transition

My story… it would take me weeks, if not longer to articulate my entire life’s story. Currently, I am in a transition period, trying to figure out my next steps as a mom and woman looking to...

Pendant #1,376 – Seeking Purpose

I have purchased the pendant for myself as I begin my journey with God and Women in Christian Leadership. After deciding to not return to traditional employment God lead me to seek my personal...

Pendant #8 – What Would Carson Do?

Carson came into this world on April 25, 2005 and left us on April 14, 2023. Weeks before his 18th birthday and a month before his High School graduation. Carson gave a hard fought battle to an...

Pendant #1,041 – Protect Me

On 3/16/23 I went in for a routine mammogram as my husband left for an out of town work trip. Things didn’t go as planned. They saw something suspicious and asked me to head down the hall for an...

Pendant #1,025 – Facing Adversity Head On

On March 29, 2023 , I was diagnosed with  stage 2,  multicentric right breast grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma with associated grade 2 ductal carcinoma in situ, ER+, PR+, Her2-, Ki67 15-20%. I...

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