
Strength Stories

Read the stories shared by people around the world who wear and share Traveling Pendants.

Pendant #1,008 – Keep Going

When I was 5 months pregnant with my 2nd baby I unexpectedly found out I had triple negative breast cancer that had spread to my liver, lungs, bones and brain. I unfortunately had to terminate...

Pendant #880 – Continuing to Fight

Lydia is my 14-year-old niece. I gave her this pendant as she continues to hike through the mountainous, treacherous journey of Ewings Sarcoma bone cancer. She started this journey in 10/22. It...

Pendant #1,482

My husband had a hemorrhagic stroke March 22, 2023. He is paralyzed on his right side & has aphasia. He is in rehab @ Moody Rehabilitation Institute in Galveston, Texas. He is making small...

Pendant #1,752 – Life as One

Suddenly he was gone, and life changed. No more my love, my husband, the grandfather/Papou, the father/dad. He led a long and happy life but now, free from earthly cares, resides in heaven with...

Pendant #8 – What Would Carson Do?

Carson came into this world on April 25, 2005 and left us on April 14, 2023. Weeks before his 18th birthday and a month before his High School graduation. Carson gave a hard fought battle to an...

Pendant #529 – Thank God Every Day

10 years ago, I told that it would be impossible to get pregnant on my own -- I was diagnosed with infertility and told that fertility treatments were our only option if we hoped to one day...

Pendant #521 – Strength Through Divorce

It's becoming harder to spend the Christmas holiday season without my daughter. Sharing a child with another person is very challenging and doesn't feel like it ever gets easier. Cierra

Pendant #956 – Challenging Loss

I suddenly lost my dad in 2021. It had been the most emotionally challenging thing I've been through so far. My sister-in-law gave this pendant to me for Christmas this year, 2022. Such a...

Pendant #994 – Love My Pendant

I absolutely loved meeting you ladies at the Dayton Arcade and hearing your stories. I shared with you my story of my daughter's accident and passing and we had a good cry together. (Well, mostly...

Pendant #794 – I Will See Her Again

So many years ago now I lost my 7 year old daughter. She was hit by a car! She survived for 24 hours on life support. It was the longest loneliest night of my life. I had hope until the very end...

Pendant #927 – Incredible Gift

My best friend gave me this pendant and when she did, I just cried and cried. What an incredible gift to come at just the perfect time. I miscarried in the second trimester. It is our first...

Pendant #440 – Keep Her Close to My Heart

I bought my pendant with the memory of my special friend Sinead who passed away suddenly this November 2022. I have only worn it for a week to keep her close to my heart ❤️ but I intend to pass...

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